miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010


1. What is the MIGRES Program?

The MIGRES Program represents one of the biggest sustainable efforts about bird migration monitoring taking place in Europe. Since 1997, when the Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía brought out this project, the MIGRES Program has worked strongly with a double objective: to spread among society the importance and dimension of the bird migration phenomenon through the Strait of Gibraltar and to obtain information of biological relevance about that phenomenon.

The special characteristics of the Strait of Gibraltar are used by hundreds of thousands of birds on their travel between Europe and Africa and between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The most important point in this study is the observations made by the volunteers, who develop their work under technician supervision. This makes the Strait a suitable place to study the migration phenomenon.

With the objective of making the MIGRES Program as much participative as possible, it was decided to cause an active collaboration of the society through the volunteer participation. Nowadays, we can say without being afraid of making mistakes, that the MIGRES Program is one of the most consolidated projects of civic participation related with avifauna in the Spanish territory.

2. Who can apply?

To participate in the Migres Program it is necessary to be older than 18 years old. People from any country are welcomed but it is necessary to speak Spanish or English. We need people who have some knowledge on bird identification, although people without experience can come and acquire it here.

The minimum stay will be a complete turn, but if there would be a vacancy the volunteers can ask for staying more than one turn.
Volunteers in the program will be given with:
· Free maintenance
· Free accommodation in share rooms with other volunteers.
· Medical insurance.
· Program clothes.
· Migres Program participation certificate.
· Migres Program annual report

Chosen volunteers have to pay 50 Euros on deposit. We will give instructions for the payment to the foreign volunteers. This deposit will be returned to the owner at the end of each turn.

3. Where and when to apply?

You must to fill out the application before May 31st, with priority to those applications received before and send it to: voluntariado@fundaciomigres.org
Also you can send an ordinary mail to:
Huerta Grande, CN-340 Km. 96 Pelayo
11390 Algeciras, Cádiz, Spain.
As well, the application forms can be registered at:
Application e-form (but only available in Spanish).

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